Karjola Electric Wheelbarrow Awarded Gold for Innovation
When I turned on the radio that afternoon, I had no idea how…

Motorized Wheelbarrow Expands the Horizons of Use
Motorized wheelbarrow - let's start with an electric bicycle.

Sustainable by Design – 7 Sustainable Design Principles
The environmental footprint of a product throughout its life…

The Karjola Story – Committed Team and Digital Tools
The Karjola story: we want to ease the burden for people around the world, particularly for the elderly. Digital tools also help us with this.

How to Choose the Right Electric Wheelbarrow
An electric wheelbarrow can make your work much easier, hence…

Top 7 reasons to Buy an Electric Wheelbarrow
A wheelbarrow is one of the most useful tools to help in the garden, around the house, in the orchard, in the vineyard and elsewhere. Quite often there is not only one in the use, but several, where each serves its purpose.

30 Minutes of Working with the Soil Helps to Remove Stress
Just 30 minutes of gardening can do a lot to reduce stress levels…

The Use of Heavy Machinery Damages the Soil, Intuitive Electric Wheelbarrow Can Help
The use of heavy machinery in agriculture damages the top layer…

The Story of Karjola
The story of Karjola began with a small orchard and meadow in…

Intuitive Electric Wheelbarrow Karjola Was Successfully Introduced at Forum Agenti in Italy
In cooperation with the agency Spirit Slovenija and Agent321…

Bravo Karjola Team! Intuitive Electric Wheelbarrow Karjola Experienced Its First Presentation to Friends and Families.
Smart, innovative and at the same time simple intuitive electric…

Smart Intuitive Electric Wheelbarrow, Is this Possible?
More than year ago I was thinking a lot about an electric wheelbarrow…