Our story

We started developing the smart electric wheelbarrow Karjola out of our own needs, to make it easier for us to cultivate a small family orchard on a slope.

We were looking for something smaller and nimble, with which we could get everywhere, even on grass, where there was no path and not much space.

Due to its flexibility and simplicity, the motorized wheelbarrow proved to be the most optimal.

However, we did not find a simple solution on the market with a good user experience that would meet our expectations.

And we decided to develop such a motorized wheelbarrow ourselves.

With innovative thinking and extensive experience from industrial development, we have designed a solution that enables pleasant work, is technologically sophisticated and simple, and does not cause greenhouse gas emissions or noise when used.

Our vision are simple solutions that will facilitate work and transport in the field of micro-mobility.

Our mission

To enable comfortable, stress-free work and to safeguard health in a sustainable way.

Our team

Marko Makarovič

Conceptual Development & Design
Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Mateja Treven

CEO of Blockhapp d.o.o., Finance, Marketing
Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Marinka Pertovt Jerkič

Sales and Marketing
Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Sašo Jerkič

Development and Production
Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Tadej Bizjak

Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Matevž Perkon

Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Aleš Šuligoj

Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Mitja Sitar

Električna samokolnica - ekipa

Jakob Skrt

Controller Programming

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© Copyright – Karjola – Made by: Oriole Code