Karjola Electric Wheelbarrow Awarded Gold for Innovation
When I turned on the radio that afternoon, I had no idea how important the news I was about to hear would be. At first, I didn’t even realize what they were talking about, but then I recognized Marko’s voice. I remembered that today was the awards ceremony for innovations by the North Primorska Chamber of Commerce in Nova Gorica. I quickly “Googled” it and, filled with excitement, discovered that Karjola had received the gold award. Five gold awards were given, and among them was our Karjola. This means that it qualifies for the highest national awards, which will be presented at the Day of Innovation at Brdo pri Ljubljani.
I read the news twice and was very happy. Happy for the team that put so much effort, work, and energy into bringing Karjola to life. Happy for the innovator Marko, who received confirmation that his idea, which he nurtured and developed, had reached an important milestone. Recognition that his idea is good, interesting, and above all, very useful. So many years of effort and sacrifice, sometimes feeling like you’re fighting a losing battle, and then… one plaque, an award, and you rise like a phoenix from the ashes, full of strength, momentum, and energy.
And you know it’s not over yet, that there’s still plenty of room to grow, that we can achieve so much more, and most importantly, that our customers will also recognize the quality of Slovenian craftsmanship and knowledge.
We are very proud of this award, and it means a lot to us. The competition was very tough. Among many well-established companies with entire teams of experts and financial resources, the jury recognized the usefulness of Karjola, which was born in a garage, slowly developed, grew, and is still making its way into the world.
Memories took me back to the past, from the first meeting when Marko presented his idea, to assembling the team, from the first plan of Karjola to its final implementation. To the moments when we faced challenges and doubts but persevered. What seemed so impossible at the beginning today has a recognizable brand.
We have experienced so many wonderful moments because of Karjola. From the first races with a wheelbarrow, albeit an ordinary one. At that time, we organized a picnic at Bizjak’s and for the first time introduced our electric intuitive Karjola to friends and acquaintances. Although still in its infancy, the sensor wasn’t working yet, the program wasn’t finished, and just before the presentation, the boys in the workshop had the drive electronics burn out. Everyone was eagerly waiting to try this novelty, and in the end, the boys managed to bring a functioning Karjola.
That was the first time I felt deep respect for these young men who, while we were having fun at the picnic, worked hard so that we could proudly present Karjola.
The next time, when Karjola was more refined and had its distinctive orange color and operated in the so-called tractor mode, which means the wheelbarrow moves forward at a constant speed, we decided to shoot a video and make a promotional brochure. I will never forget that day. Although the day was long and tiring, it was interesting and enjoyable to work with the team of filmmakers, photographers, actors, and even a makeup artist who took care of our appearance.
Today, Karjola has three operating modes: intuitive mode, cruise control, and tractor mode, and when going downhill, it can brake automatically.